
  • Next beginner classes:
    Bachata:  Mon. 03.02.25 18:30
    Salsa:     Thu.   05.02.25 19:30

  • We are also available in Munich West in Pasing!

  • Dance School Salsamás Munich
    Tel.:     +49 (0) 89 740 396 81
    Mobil:  +49 (0) 172 82 165 69
    E-Mail: [email protected]

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Terms of Service

Terms of Service
Dancing school Salsamás Munich (Polichronopoulos de Queiroz Pablo and Igova Silvina GbR)

1. Registration and conclusion of contract Registration for the course / workshop must be in writing and is legally binding. You can register via the website, send an e-mail to [email protected], by SMS to the mobile phone number 0172/8216569 or by mail to Tanzschule Salsamás Munich - Am Schützck 3, 81241 München, or this one personally in the studio. Registrations are considered in the order of their receipt. If the number of participants in a course is limited, the number of participants will be determined according to the order of registration. The registration obliges to pay the contribution. By registering you declare that you feel able to attend the courses and are prepared to take responsibility for them. Participation in lessons is at your own risk. For brought valuables and wardrobe no liability is accepted.

2. Terms of payment and due date The agreed monthly fee is due until the first course date and is either transferred 2 days in advance (please present the first course date) or cashed at the first appointment. If the course fee is not paid on time, the course participant loses the right to attend the course. If the member registers during a current calendar month, the monthly fee has to be paid pro rata. In case of no-show despite registration the full amount for the course is due. For a short-term cancellation (1 week before the beginning of the course) 50% of the fee is due. Cancellation without cancellation fee is only possible 2 weeks before the beginning of the course.

3. discount Reductions for unemployed persons, students, apprentices, military and community service workers are granted on presentation of the relevant documents before the beginning of the course. For temporary certificates, a current follow-up certificate must be submitted unsolicited, otherwise the monthly fee increases automatically in the following month.

4. Execution of the courses The participant must report by no later than 12:00 o'clock on the day of the course by telephone or e-mail, should he be prevented from attending the course for which he has registered. Access to the course / workshop is reserved for registered participants and guardians of underage participants. The course / workshop will be led by Salsamás coaches. In case of preventing the course instructor will be provided a qualified replacement. The course content may only be used privately. The know-how as a whole or parts of it may not be passed on to other persons against payment or free of charge. In our beginner courses, we always strive to find a suitable (n) dance partner (s). However, we can not guarantee this. For the advanced courses, we require participation as a couple. With the All-You-Can-Dance-Tariff the student can take part in up to seven courses. However, for organizational reasons, participation in each course is required at the beginning of each month and must always be adhered to. If the student is unable to attend one of the course dates, we kindly ask you to inform us in good time. The courses take place from 8 course participants. Please note, however, that self-responsible missed lessons are charged to the participant and there is no entitlement to a premium refund. However, lessons missed by the member can be made up within 1 month after consultation, as far as corresponding courses are available and not overbooked. On public holidays and between Christmas and New Year there is no lesson. Tanzschule Salsamás Munich (Polichronopoulos de Queiroz Pablo and Igova Silvina GbR) reserves the right to change the course program during school holidays and to cancel it if necessary.